Kundalini Practice Skills List

With a kundalini self-care program we are literally capturing the energies of nature and putting them into the cells!

Kundalini will permanently rewire the bodymind to release the stored tension of the body armor, but one has to be physically/mentally/emotionally and spiritually developed enough to handle the kundalini. If there is a significant loosening of the armor without sustained integral practice and intent, then the armor will reinstate itself and rubber band back into place. Following are tools of self-recovery for the dispossessed self--for all we do to our self in the form of contraction, denial, negation, abuse, shaming, neglect in an attempt to avoid our True Nature. This set of kundalini coping skills is gleaned from spontaneous arising solutions stemming from many years of process, and merely hints at what is possible.

This list of practices and tools is not meant to disempower you to find your own way through the storm, for I think each of us can find whatever answers we need within ourselves. Thus a kundalini awakening is its own solution if we listen deeply and trust. Since it is the energy of individuation it is the source of creativity and gnosis. To find ourSelf we need not look beyond our Selves. A sovereignty that comes through another or needs the confirmation of another is not much of a sovereignty is it? Hence to thine own Self be true. I think a combo of strengthening, stretching, shaking, aerobic, listening, exploring, extending, feeling, fast and slow, grounding and vocalizing practices to be the "best." Whatever we are called to do by the energy itself, and you will find kundalini literally commands you to be out in nature.

If ones spiritual focus does not actually contribute to an expansion and deepening of ones life and ones contribution to Life, then such a focus is a idle waste of time, consciousness and energy, and indeed a waste of Life.

When each tone finds Atonement with the river sound the staccato effect is "felt" and heard. If the tone is slightly "off" in relationship to the river the syncopation effect doesn't occur. However the sensitive body-voice naturally tunes to the correct tone...nature the great tuning fork. The syncopated toning I found July 2002 when in extreme horniness with the kundalini...I went down to the river to try and get some relief and found that staccato effect...I was so blown away, I thought I had discovered a new law of the physical universe, of course this distracted me from my oppressive sex energy. Once the diaphragm learns how to do this you can retain the staccato ability even without using a river when the kundalini light is highly active.

This spinal compression/extension can be used at the bottom of the spine by pushing up into a therapists hands with the legs. In the middle of the spine by pushing up on all fours and at the top of the spine by pushing with the arms. It is the most cathartic and radical form of back release I have found. Theory being that the contraction can be released by overextending already contracted muscles. When they are relaxed they let go further than they were originally. Emotionally the burden is lifted once the tension is acknowledged, rather than carrying the load around for years...making to body numb with pain. With spinal rebirthing we "feel" into the numbness and recover what was lost to us due to the freeze response.

Like meditation visualization does take actually "practicing" it. You might want to note what time of the day or night you find it most easily to focus on inner visualization. Warm up first with a little exercise and stretching, hanging, meditation and breathing. Then take yourself on various visual journeys, perhaps a quest to find certain answers you are seeking. Visit relatives or loved ones or make new friends with stangers. Travel to interstellar space and visit alien cultures, or go back in time to past eras that attract your interest. The ways in which the imagination can be used are infinite. Any beautiful visual stimulous will help activate the visual hardware, such as DVD's like Michael Dubois's Luminous Dimensions or Artmind - The Healing Power of Sacred Art with Alex Grey. Alex specializes in visual exercises for the artist, I strongly recommend attending his workshops. Marie-Louise von Franz claims that active imagination is the most powerful tool in Jungian psychology for achieving wholeness.

"[Jung] continued to explore the inner images and fantasies. In the course of the work he would get so emotionally wrought up that he resorted to yoga breathing exercises to calm himself. Then he would plunge in again and let the images and inner voices speak. Actually, he was doing just the opposite of what yoga and certain forms of meditation strive to achieve. Instead of seeking to let go of and eventually abolish all psychic contents and images, he concentrated on the images and let htem affect him emotionally. He found that when he was able to translate the emotions into images--that is, to find the images that were concealed iwhtin the emotions--he was calmed and reassured. He realized that it was higly therapeutic to uncover the images buried within the emtions, and he incorporated this discovery in the practice of active imagination." 122, ~ Gathering the Light, V. Walter Odajnyk

In his fabulous book Walter says that Jung thinks that active imagination is the most appropriate form of meditation for westerners to further their psychological and spiritual growth. His section 120-132 in Gathering the Light on active imagination is good. For general readership there is The Old Wise Woman: A Study of Active Imagination by Rix Weaver. Other works on the subject include Alchemical Active Imagination by Marie-Louise von Franz and Jung on Active Imagination by C.G. Jung. And Encounters With The Soul: Active Imagination, Barbara Hannah. Inner Work: Using Dreams and Creative Imagination for Personal Growth and Integration by Robert A. Johnson

Figure 2: Spinal Shower

