The following supplement protocol is for preparing
the body for kundalini as well as coping with and reducing the negative
effects of kundalini. I emphasize that the protocol is not to stimulate kundalini
but to enable the bodymind to withstand the incredible metabolic
changes and energies and to allow the advances born of awakening
"stick." It is important to go-with the Tao of the wave and to avoid
excessive stimulation during both the up-cycle and the down-cycle. The
focus should be on deepening the integrity of one's health and building
bodymind resources, without further adding to the burden of processing
either food or experience.
The emphasis should be on clearing stuff away rather than pathological
accumulation of any kind. Surrender all that is unhealthy into the
fire. In a perfect world we would not have to resort to supplements in
order to maintain balance. Because we do not live in a perfect world I
believe that everyone experiencing active kundalini, even Gurus, need
protection against free radicals and nutritional nerve support. With
these supplemental formulas I am attempting to boost the homeostatic
coping level to "meet" the radical chemistry of kundalini for extreme
chemistry requires extreme adaptation.
To create more specialized formulas than these for the various stages
and types of kundalini awakenings, research will have to be done. But
the general ethos must be in support of the existing chemistry, plus
protection from metabolites and their quick conversion and elimination
from the body via the liver etc... I don't think it advisable to try to
suppress the hills with depressants, nor to try to prop up the valleys
with stimulants, but to support the chemistry in whatever its current
cycle. Kundalini nutrition must aim to work-with the Tao to magnify our
resilience, to build reserves and increase our homeostatic coping
ability, all the while trusting that the body will find its own way
through the storm.
Until we get some serious research on balanced formulas it is
inadvisable to use ourselves a guinea pigs when already in the throws
of extreme chemistry. We are less likely to unbalance our system if we
use whole-life supplements like kelp, spirulina and herbs. Thus I think
it important to balance manufactured supplements with more "natural"
herbs, superfoods and green foods. Whatever we do with food and
supplements during awakening, we must aim to put as little stress on
the organs and tissues as possible and to establish a super-nutrition
program from multiple sources. You need some nutrients to
absorb others, and an excess of one nutrient can inhibit the absorption
and metabolism of another. So taking large amounts of a single vitamin
or mineral can throw us out of balance. To avoid this it is best to
base our nutritional program a good multivitamin and mineral.
If you don't want to mix your own formulas to use in addition to a
good basic multivitamin and mineral, I suggest you take a high
performance training formula. For we have to take into consideration
that kundalini awakenings demand the type of extra nutrition perhaps of
a professional athlete or body builder.
says that Universal Animal Pak is the number one best selling
supplement program for body builders. Second is AST Multi Pro 32X. But
don't just take "extra" of a cheaper multi-formula or you may overdo
certain elements. Make sure you don't overdo the RDA, for example Zinc
would be 12 mg for females, 15 mg for males, and a maximum of 200 mcg
selenium per day. A safe dose of Calcium is about 1 gm a day.
During an awakening (and during pregnancy) it is important to add
herbs and foods collected from the wild to our diet. We should sprout
wheatgrass/buckwheat or if at all possible grow our own garden and
build up the soil with compost, seaweed, ground up eggshells,
montmorillonite clay and paramagnetic basalt (AdzsumPlusª).
Other ways of remineralizing include adding ionic minerals (sea solids)
into our drinking water and taking about 1 tsp of kelp powder a day.
Some minerals are more easily absorbed when chelated, usually to an amino acid. During kundalini when the digestion and intestinal lining might be compromised it is best to avoid colloidal minerals; as these are made from clay deposits and so there is a danger of absorbing too much aluminium.
A good read on minerals is The Healing Power of Minerals by Paul Bergner.
Following is a preliminary set of formulas I devised for myself,
which others will improve upon with research. Different stages of
metamorphosis require slight changes, and each type of awakening
requires a different protocol, not to mention individual differences in
physiology. I have no negative side effects from taking these formulas
as they are, but I had to eliminate taurine, glycine, and tyrosine out
of my formula cause they made me dozy, stoned and nauseous; somehow
interfering with prefrontal lobe function. I am not sure exactly which
one was the culprit, but getting rid of all of them solved the problem.
I can suggest a broad outline for how these formulas may be used
during a kundalini awakening. For a "full-on" awakening I recommend a
protocol that covers the four essential areas to facilitate higher
homeostasis: antioxidants, conjugation of toxins and metabolites,
adaptogenic support and nervous system supplementation.
Formula #1 is taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning
to support the neurotransmitters. Formula #2 taken once or twice during
the day for antioxidants and neurotransmitters. I usually take the
antioxidant and the nootropic formula together in the morning. Formula
#4 is largely of adaptogenic herbs and supplements that are too bitter
to be taken uncapsulated. Formula #5 is support, buffering and mildly
cleansing herbs. Note there is some repetition due to the fact that the
formulas are built to stand on their own; you may want to eliminate the
repetitions in your own program.
I recommend Formula #1 for periods of acute stress or the peak stage
of kundalini. However after a period of time, it is necessary to adopt
the nootropic formula to recover the functional edge of the brain. The
Calm Formula #1 doesn't make one more intelligent just less neurotic,
disturbed and panicy. It probably takes the edge of both the ecstatic
highs and the terrific lows. I stopped taking the Calm formula about a
year ago because I no longer needed it to regulate my moods.
The main precaution with taking supplements during kundalini is to
avoid taking stimulants during the peak or hyper phase. So until we
know more about the chemistry of the acute phase of kundalini, it might
be best to avoid stimulating nootropics during the 6 month peak.
Formula #1 and "protective" nootropics can be taken at any time along
with the antioxidants and herbs. With this caution in mind I suggest
that the nootropic formula #3 be taken once kundalini hyperactivity is
backing off and you are staring to head into the down cycle. It is also
good to take #1 rather than #3 on weekends and down time, or days when
extra calm is needed. If we reduce things that stimulate adrenaline and
stress hormone production like caffeine, we can remain on a more even
keel during the peak and reduce the severity of the burnout during the
down cycle.
You can buy most of the supplements from BAC: Beyond A Century
They are a great company with high integrity and inexpensive products.
The herbs not stocked by BAC can be wild-crafted, or bought from the
bulk section of your Wild Oats/Whole Foods.
Depending on one’s prior condition and adaptation capacity, I would
say that five years after a “full-on” awakening you could probably cut
back to just a multi-vitamin and mineral, B-complex and Formula #4
Herbal Support. I myself am attempting to stop using manmade
supplements and concentrate on superfoods and herbs. It cannot be
stressed enough that diet, exercise and integral spiritual practice is
the foundation of our ability to use these times of spiritual
acceleration to our advantage—to ride the wave. Besides the supplements
I recommend practices and experiences to
boost mood and brain function. During an awakening, sensory and motor
stimulation is of prime importance, as is community—we can think of the
entire phenomenal world as our pharmacy.